
Open Educational Resources (OER)


Oct 21, 2021

 Sh N R Murali, Joint Commissioner (Training) thought the Trainer's Skills

Orientation Programme in Blended Mode

TOPICS COVERED  (22.10.2021)

1. A Trainer's Perspective- II by Sh. N R Murali, JC Training KVS HQ

2. Teaching Vs Training: Issues in Pedagogy & Andragogy by Sh. T Aarasu, Ex. DC KVS

3. Active Learning Strategies and Social-emotional learning by Smt. Pratima Khandelwal, Founder Fly                                                                                                                                           High, Bengaluru

03 Day Orientation for Newly recruited Training Associate in ZIET

Sh Mukesh Kumar, DC and Director welcomed Sh N R Murali, JC Training, KVS HQ

Sh N R Murali, Joint Commissioner (Training), KVS HQ addressed and motivated the participants.

Sh Mukesh Kumar, Deputy Commissioner, and Director ZIET Chd welcomed Dr. P Deva Kumar. DC KVS Chd and Sh E Ramana, AEO, KVS HQ

 Topic Covered- 

1. Trainer's perspective by Sh N R Murali, JC Training
  • A Trainer's perspective and trainer's requirement
  • To be familiar conceptual clarity
  • Skills and Qualities of Trainer
  • Correct & Apt usage of words
  • The practice of building of Skill
2. Systematic Approach of Training by Dr. Tajuddin Sheikh, DC Jabalpur
  • Component of training need analysis
  • The strategy of learning TNA, TPD, performance problem
  • Pedagogy and Andragogy planning and execution in training 
  • Performance Cycle and Quadrants of competency
  • Method of planning, analysis and execution of training
3. Pedagogical approaches in Alignment with NEP 2020 by Mrs. Pratima Khandelwal, Founder, Fly High Bangalore
  • Use of technology in the teaching process
  • A teacher is a facilitator in the modern age
  •  Cognitive upskills
  • Education 4.0
  • KYS, KYT,
  • Use of  Padlet, Google Jamboard and Mentimeter
  • Technical / Application Softwares

Jul 16, 2021

Plantation by Sh Mukesh Kumar, Dy. Commissioner and Director ZIET Chd (13.07.2021)


 केविएस आंचलिक शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, चंडीगढ़  के निदेशक महोदय द्वारा संस्थान के परिसर में दिनांक 13.07.2021 को पौधा रोपण किया गया ।  

Jul 15, 2021

श्री मुकेश कुमार, उपायुक्त एवं निदेशक जीट चंडीगढ़ ने कार्यभार सँभाला (13.07.2021)

डॉ पी देवकुमार, उपायुक्त चंडीगढ़ संभाग  ने श्री मुकेश कुमार, उपायुक्त एवं निदेशक जीट चंडीगढ़ का स्वागत किया ।  

Apr 15, 2021

Tips to conduct online classes


Best tips that will help you learn how to make lessons fun and engaging in an online classroom

The past few days have seen increasing numbers of schools announced that they are moving to conduct online Classes only. Every teacher is busy working to move their face-to-face lessons online. Designing online classes takes significant time and effort. Here are few tips for them.

Find new engagement indicators.- Classroom teachers have traditionally been able to capture a quick measure of student engagement by just looking at their faces. Are they curious, interested or passionate about class activities? While you may still be able to measure engagement visually during video-oriented synchronous online sessions, classes this fall will have many more scenarios where this won’t be possible. Much of the work students will be doing won’t be on camera, so educators may need to find new indicators of engagement.

Here are a few engagement measures to consider: Are students logging on often? Are they submitting their work on time? Are they reacting to the learning in some way, by asking question and seeking additional resources? Are they responding to feedback and is their voice apparent in classroom forums and boards? These are all indicators of how well a student is connecting with class topics.

Flexible class design offers:

Learner Choice: Provide meaningful alternative participation modes and enable students to choose between participation modes daily, weekly, or topically.

Equivalency: Provide learning activities in all participation modes which lead to equivalent learning outcomes.      

Reusability: Utilize artifacts from learning activities in each participation mode as “learning objects’ for all students.                      

Accessibility: Equip students with technology skills and equitable access to all participation modes.”

As much as we want to meet their needs educationally, we can’t if they are distracted by their need to feel safe.

Meet the Social Emotional need of your learner-- Set clear parameters for where / how students can ask questions or express their concerns such as a message to the teacher or a message board that is only on while the teacher is monitoring. Let students see your face when possible, such as through a good morning video. Create routines with clear expectations so students can feel successful. 

o   Present your best (online) self

o   Use best technology to your advantage 

o   Find what inspires your students

o   Set goals and help students stick to them

o   Keep it interactive  

o   Break down the lessons and make it digestible 

o   Make your students feel valued 

o   Be patient with your students 

o   Motivate Your Students

o                   Ask For Help And Feedback

o   Innovate And Stimulate Discussions

 References: -     1.
