
Open Educational Resources (OER)


Dec 19, 2019

Orientation Programme of Course Director, Asso Course Director and Resource Person

Orientation Programme of Course Director, Asso Course Director and Resource Person was conducted from 17 to 19 December 2019 at ZIET Chandigarh. 41 participant attended this programme in which DC-01, Principal- 10, Administrative Officer- 06, Finance Officer-02,Section Officer-04, Ass Section Officer- 15, SSA--02 . These officials will conduct Induction programme of Newly recruited Non-Teaching Staff at 11 different region (Agra, Delhi, Ahmdabad, Gurugram, Bhopal, Bhubneswar, Ernakulam,Guwahati, Jammu, Mumbai and Raipur) form 23 Dec 19 to 01 Jan 2020. Course Director- Sh Ranvir Singh, Dy Commissioner and Director ZIET Chd, Resource Person-1- Sh Puspender, AO Gurugram Region 2- Sh- Ashok Bisht SSA, RO Chandigarh Region, Coordinator- Ms Sunita and Sh Sunil Saini.

Dec 17, 2019

उपायुक्त गुवाहाटी का जीट चंडीगढ़ का दौरा

उपायुक्त एवं निदेशक श्री रनवीर सिंह (बाएँ ), उपायुक्त गुवाहाटी श्री वरुण मित्रा 
 श्री वरुण मित्रा जी, उपायुक्त गुवाहाटी का आंचलिक शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान चंडीगढ़ मे तीन दिवसीय (17-19 दिसंबर 2019) प्रवास रहा । इस दौरान श्री वरुण मित्रा जी ने सभी प्रतिभागियों के साथ अपने अनुभव साझा किए । 

गैरशैक्षणिक कर्मचारियों के प्रवेषण कार्यक्रम के कोर्स निदेशक, सह कोर्स निदेशक एवं संसाधकों हेतु तीन दिवसीय अभिविन्यास कार्यक्रम

गैरशैक्षणिक कर्मचारियों के प्रवेषण कार्यक्रम के कोर्स निदेशक, सह कोर्स निदेशक एवं संसाधकों
हेतु तीन दिवसीय अभिविन्यास कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत आज 17 दिसंबर 2019 को हुई । इस दौरान 11 संभागों के 42 प्रतिभागियों ने प्रतिभाग किया । इस कार्यक्रम में सभी कोर्स निदेशक, सह कोर्स
निदेशक एवं संसाधकों ने 23 दिसंबर 2019 से 01 जनवरी 2020 तक चलने वाले 10 दिवसीय प्रवेषण कार्यक्रम की रूपरेखा तैयार की जिसमें निम्न लिखित विषयों को रखा गया । 

1. Objectives of Training Programme
2. Mission & Vision of KVS
3. Organizational set-up of KVS
4. Staff Fixation/Postings/Transfers
5. VMC Meeting
6. Implementation of ICT in office
7. Confirmation and promotion of staff
8. Grant of Sr. Scale/MACP
9. Disciplinary Proceedings/Court Cases
10. Grievance settlement
11. Implementation of Rajbhasha
12. Record updating & management
13. Land transfer etc.
14. Annual repair and maintenance/construction work
15. Norms of expenditure of school fund/VVN
16. Maintenance of Cash Book and Ledger
17. Preparation of Budget and Annual Account of School Fund/VVN
18. Pay fixation of staff
19. TA/LTC/ other personal claims
20. Leave Rules
21. Advance settlements
22. Purchase procedure
23. Maintenance of stock Register and condemnation of Articles
24. Maintenance of students' records
25. Collection of fee and fines
26. Bank transactions
27. Settlement of Audit Paras
28. Supervision of official Correspondence
29. Pension and Provident Fund matters
30. Uploading of salary on UBI portal
31. TDS/Income Tax etc
32. Depreciation concept & calculation
33. RTI Act 2005
34. राजभाषा हिन्दी

Dec 3, 2019

Workshop for Librarians on Innovative and Best Practices

Three Days workshop for Librarian on Innovative and Best Practices in School Library & Dealing with Difficult Areas in
ClassXI for PGT Geography was started on 03 Dec 2019 at ZIET Chandigarh