
Open Educational Resources (OER)


Aug 29, 2019

जीट चंडीगढ़ के कर्मचारियों ने फिट इंडिया कार्यक्रम के दिन खुद को फिट रखने का प्रण लिया


 जीट चंडीगढ़ में  आज दिनांक 29 अगस्त 2019 को भारत सरकार द्वारा चलाये गए कार्यक्रम फिट इंडिया मूवमेंट के तहत सभी कर्मचारियों ने भागीदारी निभाई । इस दौरान भारत के प्रधानमंत्री जी के सम्बोधन को सुना गया और सभी कर्मचारियों ने  अपने आप को फिट (स्वास्थ्य ) रखने का प्रण लिया ।

Aug 26, 2019

One Day Workshop on PISA for TGT Maths and Science

One day workshop on PISA for TGT Maths & Science of Chandigarh Station was conducted at ZIET Chd. Sh Ranveer Singh Dy Commissioner and Director suggested different teaching methodology to improve teaching in classroom. He emphasis on 2+2 theory, Inquiry Method, Preview Method, Desired Method.

  Director sir Motivated  the teachers to achieve goal in PISA test which is going to be held in 2021.  Participants of KV which are located in Chandigarh  take part in this workshop. they will prepare sample questions during this workshop.

Aug 11, 2019


Siyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (S.R.R.) was a mathematician and librarian from India.His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and the development of the first major faceted classification system, the colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field. His birthday is observed every year as the National Librarian's Day in India.
He was a university librarian and professor of library science at Banaras Hindu University (1945–47) and professor of library science at the University of Delhi (1947–55). The last appointment made him director of the first Indian school of librarianship to offer higher degrees. He was president of the Indian Library Association from 1944 to 1953. In 1957 he was elected an honorary member of the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) and was made a vice-president for life of the Library Association of Great Britain

Aug 9, 2019

Book Selection

Book Review Programme at ZIET Chd
Book Selection

As per the direction of Director sir a Book Selection committee visited many book shops and selected many important books  for Library. Our intellectual Training Associates are very found of books they are helping to enrich the library. These books are related to personality development, communication skill, Training, Biographies, Edcuation, Non- 
Fictions, Hindi fictions etc.